Today the San Gabriel Mountains
Trailbuilders returned once
again to the
Lake Recreation Area with the
Service and
Boy Scout
volunteers to clear the remaining downed trees off of Cedar Canyon Trail
and Soldier Creek Trail, and to cut back the brush and remove plants growing
on the trails.
The Trailbuilders always check the day's
Project Activity Level
(PDF file) before work begins, and though today's level was between levels
"C" and "D" and technically permitted
the use of chainsaws after 1 p.m., we planned to complete all chainsaw work
as early as possible so that we could set the saw aside before 1 p.m. (It's
always best to err on the side of caution and safety!)
The day began early with some of the Trailbuilder crew getting up before
daylight to gather together their
personal tools and equipment together before driving the distance to the
Gateway Information
Center maintained by the Forest Service at the base of the
San Gabriel
Mountains in the City of
Azusa across
from survey mile marker 17 along
Even though we arrived early at the Visitor Center, the office was fairly
busy since today was the first week end in June and a great many hikers,
bikers, climbers, swimmers, fishers, picnickers and other people seeking
a day's exercise and recreation in the mountains had come out in numbers.
While many people already had
annual parking passes,
a great many came in to inquire about hiking trails and road conditions,
river water levels, and to ask questions about pretty much everything
one might want to know about what's going on in the canyons.
While waiting for our 8:00 a.m. departure time we could see a great many
people riding along the
Gabriel River Bicycle Path (a.k.a. SGRT) across the highway. This bicycle
trail goes all the way from this point at the base of the mountains to
Seal Beach
which makes taking the trail a very nice bit of exercise!
Promptly at 8:00 a.m. we sorted through our vehicles, climbed aboard and
headed North some 8 or 9 miles to the
Rincon Fire
Station. There we picked up our tools and equipment, including many
shovels, metal rock bars, a heavy duty
Hoist Puller and several lengths of
wire rope, among other
bits and pieces, then we headed further North in to the
Lake Recreation Area.
Along the way we paused a moment to photograph and video tape a
California Black
Bear who was mostly brown with light markings. Awesome! He or she was
perhaps 2 years old, standing along the side of the road watching the cars
come and go though getting a bit nervous after we had slowed.
When we reached the parking area created specifically for safe access to
Cedar Canyon Trail we parked, piled up our tools and then Ben from the
Trailbuilders offer the daily safety run down, covering the tools we would
be using today, describing what the trail should look like after being
worked, and also covering the local flora and fauna that volunteers might
want to avoid including
California rattlers (my favorite!)
scorpions (these make
my knees go all wobbly just thinking about them!) ants,
oak, all the plants and animals that we might encounter during the day.
As soon as work began on Cedar Canyon I headed toward
Trail which is located at the lowest parking lot at the lake itself
(GPS coordinates North 34 degrees, 19.109 by West 117 degrees 50.689
at 5555 feet) since the trail sign there had spray paint on it. While
at Rincon the Forest Service had provided brown paint and a brush to clean
the sign, so taking about an hour of careful effort, the sign was fixed
which will make a lot of people happy! (The Trailbuilders totally stole
the extra unused paint and the brush!)
After a quick survey to make sure that the other signs in the area were
still free from spray paint I headed back toward the main work site,
pausing to wave to the Forest Service district's new Recreation Officer
who was sweating with a crew shoveling out, raking up, and getting ready
Loops A and B of the campgrounds so they can be used this Summer with
fire safety in mind.
Back at the main work site I saw that the first major blockage had been
pulled down a few feet using the grip hoist but that a lot of work was still
needed to get it all pulled down. That effort required using the wire
rope and a choke fixture that was really neat, it allowed a loop of the
wire cable to be attached to the massive tree trunks and after a safety zone
was established on both ends of the work site, the grip hoist took up the
slack and every crank of the hoist dragged the massive trunks 2 inches
closer to the edge of the trail.
A number of hikers and bicycle riders coming down the trail were escorted
through the safety zone during pauses in activity and then work resumed,
and though hikers had to wait several minutes some times, they all were
thankful of the effort and didn't mind the rest.
Since that work site was busy, I hiked up the trail to join the effort
clearing the trail of
Santa, (Saint Weed) a plant that likes to grow in burn areas and in
direct sunlight. The main group was also cutting back brush and working
the tread, improving water drainage and doing very nice trail work, at the
end of the day.
While that was going on, two chainsaw teams had gone forward to
buck the other
obstructions remaining on Cedar Canyon and Soldier Creek, successfully
clearing all downed trees off of the trail except for one which
needs the grip hoist for final removal.
While uprooting plants from the trail I noticed that one of the younger
Boy Scouts was listening to an MP3 player so I asked what he was listening
to. Steve Earle's
Copperhead Road
which made me bark out a laugh and tell him "awesome!" I approved!
LOL. (The bagpipes
fusion really makes the song awesome.)
Toward the end of the day's main effort four volunteers remained working the
trail on the upper section of Soldier Creek so I went up to see about heading
them back down to the work rally point below. Instead we decided to continue
to the end of the trail to where Pinyon Ridge Trail and Soldier Creek Trail
has its start at the open air
amphitheater. What we found was that the trail is open and clear of
plants from end to end. Aside from some minor tread work needed, Soldier
Creek is good again.
With the day's primary efforts concluded we met back at our vehicles, checked
to make sure we were not leaving anyone behind, then most of the day's
volunteers headed home again.
The Trailbuilders, however, headed toward the Visitor Center to get a look
at the next task that might be accomplished next week: two minor safety
hazard trees that will need to be safely and slowly dropped to proactively
improve general safety conditions. Another effort for next week will be to
repair the stone retaining wall at the
Visitor Center which appears
to have been struck by a car before the 2002
Curve Fire
and now needs perhaps 4 hours of serious attention.
Another task the Trailbuilders will be scheduling is a refurbishment of the
hand rails and bench seats at the Visitor Center. The railings are a bit
lose yet the major effort will be to sand the wood smooth, fill in any
cracks with wood putty, and repaint everything with the same color paint
as the rest of the Visitor Center so that things look a bit more neat and tidy.
The Forest Service was also working on cleaning up the large closeable
information board at Crystal Lake, scrubbing off the old paint, sanding
off the rough wood, and getting it ready for fresh paint.
After taking photographs of the hand rail task we headed back to Rincon
to examine our tools and store them away again for the next time. While
at Rincon Trailbuilder Bryan stopped to examine a mechanical problem with
high pressure
washer machine. After replacing a battery cable lug and finding a quarter
inch nut to tighten it down with, he tested the newly-installed
solenoid and got
nary a click from the thing.
Humm... What we need to do is return with a
multimeter to test
the wiring, connectivity, power switch, and eventually the
starter motor to
see where exactly the problem is, then to fix it if nobody else manages to
get the time to fix first.
It was a fun day, too! We had shade, cool water to soak in, and excellent
exercise! It's really nice seeing so many people enjoying the mountains
and getting exercise, working to stay healthy both physically and mentally,
and it's always great seeing the Forest Service working hard to try to stay
ahead of the trash, toilets, spray paint, traffic accidents, safety hazards,
all the effort needed to administer our public lands so that
22.4 million
Southern California citizens can have some respite from the hectic turmoil
of the cities below.
Our Angeles
National Forest is a special place, it's a "pocket forest"
surrounded on all sides by tens of millions of people which affords unique
challenges but also keeps millions of us sane and able to return back to
work on Monday. The people on foot, out on bike, driving up for the day to
take a deep breath of pine-scented air love our mountains and I have always
found it to be a privilege to be allowed to lend a hand maintaining the
hiking trails and doing whatever I have the skills and training for.
If you would like to come out some day and see what trail work is like, please
drop off an email to this web site or merely show up at Gateway on one of
our scheduled work days
and join us! You can be proud of the lasting work you'll do and almost
certainly enjoy the day.
California Black Bear on the way to Crystal Lake!
Gathering at Rincon Fire Station to collect tools and equipment
A quick check of the new modern consolidated Fire Station at Rincon
The daily Job Hazard and safety meeting offered by Trailbuilder Ben White
Today Boy Scouts and parents lend a hand with the trail work
Scouts pay attention to the safety meeting covering tools, flora, and fauna
Isn't this an awesome place to have our daily safety review?
A look at Cedar Creek as it meets the road to Crystal Lake
The first obstruction takes most of the day to pull down using a griphoist
The other end of the griphoist gets tied to trees down the hillside in there
A Trailbuilders is dispatched to clean off this spray paint at Winnona
The trail sign at Winnona after the sign has been cleaned up
Trailbuilder Lou resumes building the massive retaining wall
Bicycle riders coming down Soldier Creek escorted through safety zone
Meanwhile the majority of today's volunteers work on removing plants from trail
The first blockage gets slowly pulled down the hillside to where we can cut it
Some of today's adult volunteers in the shade
Down slope on the griphoist end of the effort, a Scout assist the wire rope
The working end of the wire rope is attached to the root ball
Considerable lengths of the trail have had brush cut back, plants up-rooted
Soldier Creek almost from end to end new has almost all Yerba Santa removed
Volunteers have widened some sections of the trail -- looks great!
Upper section of Soldier Creek with volunteers working Northward
The last remaining stumble still needs griphoist to be removed
The jumbled obstruction at the Gabian Basket has been cleared
To do: Sign at trail head has been damaged
To do: Railing at Visitor Center will be referbished
To do: Railing at Visitor Center will be referbished
To do: Bench seating at Visitor Center will be referbished
To do: Hand railing will be secured better
This web site is not operated or maintained by the US Forest Service, and
the USFS does not have any responsibility for the contents of any page
provided on the http://CrystalLake.Name/ web site. Also this web site is
not connected in any way with any of the volunteer organizations that are
mentioned in various web pages, including the
San Gabriel Mountains
Trailbuilders (SGMTBs) or the
Angeles Volunteers Association
(AVA.) This web site is privately owned and operated.
Please note that information on this web page may be inaccurate.