Today we had volunteers from
Poly join about 50 volunteers from the
Boy Scouts to
work along
Lost Ridge Trail and
Lake Trail.
And what fun and windy cold it was, too!
Lost Ridge Trail is about one mile long, when tallied all together, going
from the upper parking lot at the lake itself generally North up to
Deer Flats Group Campground,
the lower section of which parallels Lake Road and meets up with Lake Trail.
Lake Trail starts at
Lake Road, the road that one drives up on the way to the
States Forest Service Visitor Center, just about maybe 300 feet or so
South of the main
Visitor Center parking
lot. Once one crosses a short ravine Lake Trail heads generally toward the
North West and up against the mountains, crosses Lake Road. Once one crosses
Lake Road the trail heads generally South all the way to the lake itself,
meeting up with Lost Ridge Trail.
This was a very light work day for the
San Gabriel Mountains
Trailbuilders. The work consisted of working the tread on both trails,
cutting back brush, and working to reduce water-caused erosion by knocking
the berm off of the outslope of the trails. Because there were a great many
young people working, the Trailbuilders focused on watching the younger
volunteers and ensuring that tree limbs overhead were evaluated for safety
as the work progressed.
Because it was very light work, I think that maybe the Cal Poly students
that came out did not find the effort all that satisfying since they
mentioned they were looking for a day where they could get dirty, sweaty,
and some heavy exercise which the Trailbuilder volunteer days usually serve
up times twelve, more so during Summer months. Still, hopefully the Cal
Poly students will return for when we tackle the deadfalls across
Big Cienega
Trail which will require heavy work.
Every work day begins with checking the
Project Activity Level to
ensure that we would be complying with the daily rules and regulations
posted for the
National Forest, and because of the high wind advisory posted for the
day, we could not work with
chainsaws -- which we
could not have used anyway since we needed every experienced adult to
provide safety oversight to add to the adult oversight provided by the
Scout Masters and parents who participated.
The Trailbuilders and Cal Poly students met at the
Gateway Information
Center above
Azuza and
promptly at 8:00 we packed in to our cars and headed North on
39 to the
Rincon Fire
Station where a great many Boy Scouts joined us. After checking in with our
Angeles Dispatch safety overlords we gathered our tools and equipment
and headed North again to Crystal Lake where we found more Boy Scouts
waiting to join the effort.
As usual every day before work begins we had a
safety meeting.
Ben covered the tools, equipment, and the flora and fauna that would be
encountered today. Mostly the work needed
McLeods and
shovels with occasional
loppers to cut back brush.
Tree limbs were easily removed from the trail and one downed tree along Lake
Road was shoved out of the way to afford access to our vehicles.
In all it was a very good day out, the kids enjoyed the exercise and both
trails got a good clearing and once-over from end to end. Lost Ridge Trail
is left with a single downed tree across the trail that needs a chainsaw to
buck it up eventually, but with the effort today I think we can claim that
both trails are fully awesome.
The next volunteer day is the 17th of December and we could expect to see
snow at Crystal Lake by then which would make working on the trails a bit
more difficult than seems reasonable to try, yet even without snow the
Trailbuilders may start working on the lower altitude hiking trails,
perhaps along Upper Bear Creek Trail past Smith Mountain Saddle which
needs a lot of work.
I think we need more of this, we need to have more children come to the
mountains to spend a day working on hiking and nature trails, working with
the soil and plants and enjoying the outing while getting outdoor exercise
like this. There is always a great deal of work that can be done in the
San Gabriel
Mountains such that an easy day like today and be picked, or a gruelingly
difficult, work-past-exhaustion day can be picked, all depending upon what
the volunteers want to do.
It has been seen that many kids often don't know exactly what they're capable
of, and over the years the Trailbuilders have taken young volunteers up
mountain ridges in blistering heat, across flowing rivers that kids didn't
know they could handle until making it across, through dust-filled days
slinging literally tons of dirt and rock, moving huge boulders with equipment
and tools that they believed they couldn't budge leave alone build bridges
and walls with.
Volunteering with the Trailbuilders allows younger kids to stretch themselves
and while they may return home sunburned, maybe breaking out in poison oak,
covered in dirt and exhausted, at the end of the day they always enjoyed the
effort and seem to have enough energy to run around and throw things and
push and shove each other while tools are being packed back in to storage
while the adults are about dead on their feet.
It was a good day, and any effort that gets kids out of the house, away from
the television, game boxes, and Internet for a while is more so a good day.
Group picture at the end of the day
Posing for a photo with Trailbuilder Ben
Ruggedly handsome mountain man with his new hat and Trailbuilder Bryuan
Ruggedly handsome mountain man with his new hat and Trailbuilder Bryuan
Ben and the notorious Crystal Lake Axe Murderer pause for a photo
Freshly painted Visitor Center
Ben gives the morning's safety meeting
Ben covers the tools we will be using for the day's effort
The volunteers pay attention to the safety instructions
Bryan unwraps a saw before handing it to Ben
Since it was cold, most of the volunteers had jackets
Ben describes the curved saw and how it's best used
Working along Lost Ridge Trail
Hats is also a very good idea when working in the mountains
Mostly tread work all along Lost Ridge Trail
Some places along the trail have erosion issues
Working along the trail in the cold
The McLeod tools getting used on the tread
One tree that still needs to be bucked up and get removed with a saw
A lone volunteer far off in the distance along Lost Ridge Trail
Looks like the lone volunteer is heading South
Much of the tread clings to the hillside
Toward the end of the Lost Ridge Trail effort
Some volunteers get covered in ash while others put it on like war paint
Ben pauses to have his photograph taken with other volunteers
A group photograph toward the end of the Lost Ridge Trail effort
Bundled up at the end of the first effort
At the end of the first effort
At the end of the first effort
At the end of the first effort
At the end of the first effort
At the end of the first effort
At the end of the first effort
At the end of the first effort
At the end of the first effort
At the end of the first effort
At the end of the first effort
The tools are packed in to the vehicles before we take lunch break
While waiting for tools to be packed away
While waiting for tools to be packed away
While waiting for tools to be packed away
This web site is not operated or maintained by the US Forest Service, and
the USFS does not have any responsibility for the contents of any page
provided on the http://CrystalLake.Name/ web site. Also this web site is
not connected in any way with any of the volunteer organizations that are
mentioned in various web pages, including the
San Gabriel Mountains
Trailbuilders (SGMTBs) or the
Angeles Volunteers Association
(AVA.) This web site is privately owned and operated.
Please note that information on this web page may be inaccurate.